Eîd Mubarak

My Sect
My Profession
Government Employee
Marital Status
Never married
Greater London
United Kingdom
Registration Reason
I'm registering to find myself a partner
A Little Bit About Me
As-salamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh,
Let's not waste each other's time, time is valuable, so I've made this to get general stuff out of the way...

I'm a British Revert who took my shahada last year, after 10 years of exposure to the beautiful religion of Islam during my youth and progressive research into Islam.
My family are not religious, nor Muslims, but In sha Allah their hearts can be softened.

Unlike other Albanians I won't be seeking a passport/papers from anyone I intend on marrying, so we're already on good footing.

I've not yet decided on an Islamic name yet, but we can discuss that once we're comfortable.
173CM/ 5ft 8;
61KG (+/- 1000g): I have a very active lifestyle and perform callisthenics at home;

My skin is light and olive, typically flushed with red (I'm sure you'll make me more flushed);
I have dark brown hair which I keep, and intend to keep above shoulder length and parted (I also tie it up to keep it neat);
My eyes are also brown but lighter like hazelnuts;

My beard is kept as per the sunnah, I clean the edges and keep with the moustache short;

I do the bare minimum of: Brushing my teeth (flossing as well); Brushing my hair; Clipping and filing down my nails; ect….
I apply a basic oud, wear kohl and sunscreen (due to my light skin and not wanting to age like a prune….);

My style of dress is modest and business casual, I have shirts for days (all neatly ironed), assuming I've not thrown a thobe or jacket on top of whatever I am wearing;
I ensure, like I expect my wife to dress, that I am modest and covered. Also ensuring I adhere to additional rulings such as:
No silk; saffron coloured articles of clothing; Folding the trousers extending past the ankles; ect…

I adore the islamic dress and have a growing collection of thobes that I try to wear as much as possible;
When it comes to colours I prefer my darker tones but have been dabbling in lighter colours, especially white as it is a sunnah;

I have some scars, all very minor besides two: On my thumb; Another on my abdomen.

Meticulous, shy and logical would summarise it.
I try to be honest and very straightforward with people, I do not like to 'beat around the bush' or lie, which some people can take as an attack.

I try to find humour in everything as the levity helps make things easier to digest, much to the chagrin of my friends, and helps lift the mood when things are down… Smiling is a sunnah and it is something I am trying to do more.
I have an emotional side and am not a cold piece of steel.

Speaking of friends I like to keep my friend groups small, separate and intimate, as it grants greater purpose to our interactions.
For bigger gatherings I do find it hard to connect to people and don't particularly enjoy them: Once general greetings are over I'll seek refuge in someone I'm comfortable with or sit there and distract myself in a book
I find it very easy to discard bad influences.

If given the choice I would prioritise spending time with my wife over friends but would like to have some balance.

I am a clean freak and like things clean and organised, but I am not intolerant.

In my own jahiliyyah (prior to my reversion) I would tend to get down quite a lot but with Islam, through our rabb, I've been working on it, alone and with others through Allah(swt), and have made massive improvements and want to carry this on as shukur for what Allah(swt) has blessed me with in this deen.

I consider myself financially responsible and don't believe in joint accounting, I don't want to know how much you earn or don't earn as it is all yours and I as a husband have no right over it and don't want my wife to feel the pressure or need to have to help if possible.
I adore any type of physical activities, especially walking and visiting a green, my favourites including: Football; Riding Bikes; Inline skating; Bouldering
I love to go to the greens at night, Subhanallah the quiet is amazing for reading or just watching the stars (This for beaches too).

Observation and the creation of art, my primary media is ink pens but I do dabble with my DSLR, mostly focused on in situ environmental studies.

Cleaning is my obsession and I do really enjoy having and maintaining a clean and organised environment, I tend to box my stuff up, file away documents and overall keep on top of my possessions. I enjoy helping around the house where I can and In sha Allah I wish to do the same with my own household as it is a sunnah.
In contrast to this is the storm I unleash when I cook and bake…. I always make notes and experiment with my recipes. I adore cooking for my loved ones, with my favourites being croissants and cookies.

I really enjoy reading, and do so with physical books (as while I have technical literacy I prefer a nice hardback book), and have been really enjoying reading from Islamic sources (Authoritative sources translated into English) and want to keep on doing so.
I try to read some Qur'an everyday and am intending to buy the first Volume of "Tafseer al-Qur'an Al-Azeem" to carry on my studies into Islam.
This all feeds into my passion for islam, going to masjids, attending talks, all to please my creator and improve my deen (In sha Allah).

I like to keep track of the things I do and am quite proactive in this regard.

Religious Practise:
As mentioned above I really do like and try to actively engage in Islam, as it is a way of life:
I always make sure to make my fard salah without exception- Even doing so in public.
I enjoy learning new things about Islam and I am not bound by media: I like to read; Watch; Listen to; ect… Whatever I can get my hands on to learn.

In sha Allah I have aspirations for hijrah and would like to move to a Muslim country when I am, and my family, are ready to do so.

I love researching and discussing Islam, being a Muslim has so much depth and nuance there is always something to talk about/ discuss.
The Qu'ran and the Sunnah are something I try to practise, read and research in order to become a better Muslim and would love the input of my spouse to bounce ideas and concepts back and forth so we can both become better Muslims.
Because of this I never hold any position strongly unless I know of evidence for it and am always trying to apply what I see, as more correct practises e.g. Recently I corrected and expanded my definitions on the adhan and the iqamah.

The masjids are not just for salah, I consider them as places for discussion and learning. I go to one every chance I get. It feels so spiritually rewarding and the conversations, not rooted in the dunya, are enlightening.

I don't:
Freemix; Shake hands with women; Listen to Music; Drink alcohol; Smoke;Consume drugs ; Consume haram foods ; Use social media ; Like tattoos ; Care for un-Islamic cultural practises ;

My Dislikes:
I dislike back-biting and things that wear away at my iman and will distance myself from such things.

While my age may infer it, I really dislike social media and don't like to engage in it. The most I use for talking with people, other than SMS, is 'Whatsapp' for friends and relatives.
I much prefer face-to-face.
Any old souls up to swap emails…?

I don't like public displays of affection as I like to keep private and maintain a standard when not alone with my significant other, where I won't go above hand holding or a kiss on the forehead if you've really made me happy.

Attachment to the dunya is not for me. I'm not interested in being plastered with logos or being excessive with things, but I do understand everyone has stuff that is special to them and do try to find a healthy balance between being Islamically sound and things deemed as an excess. To please the spouse is to please Allah(swt) as he has extended such a provision to you. (2:187)

Any questions please shoot.

Photogenic? No, wrong person I am afraid….
But I do have a set of up to date photos.
No filters, processing or anything has been applied to not cause anymore fitnah…. I mean to not mislead.
I called in a favour from a close friend, may Allah(swt) bless him, for my little photoshoot.

Go with your gut, if it persists pray 2 rakat for guidance.

Jazakallah khair for your time and In sha Allah your search is blessed.

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What I Am Looking For
-----Anyone outside of the UK will be considerd but be prepaired to bare theburden of your visa processing and travels pre-nikkah and I only do nikkah's in person.-----

Enough about me, let's talk about you…
I'm looking for someone kind, compassionate and bubbly: Anyone who can take a joke and crack one straight back to leave me folded in two, gasping for air….

Deen is something I would like to stress highly; I want to complete my deen and find my other half, where logically I want my other half to be on her deen as well as having a strong sense of taqwa in her life.
Naturally we all have our ups and downs and that is something we both need to cooperate on to help each other manage to strive for Junnah and help each other repent (Bulugh al-Maram Book 16, Hadith 1520).

I'm not interested in who you were, I'm interested in who you are and aspire to be, Allah(swt) opens doors to rizq for us we only need to ask (make dua) and act upon those aspirations.

I'm not looking for a haram relationship, audhubillah get out of here with that (Hopefully this is only addressing sisters, not brothers 💀💀💀)....

The order of the sections below are intentional and are what the seal of the prophets(pbuh) has advised the brothers to look for and prioritise (Sahih Al-Bukari 5090).

Religious Practise:
It is all in the niyyah and Allah(swt) knows our intentions: Fard Salah, by nature is a must, anything extra is extra. I do like to perform my nafl prayers, Mashallah, but there should be a focus on quality not quantity and I want my wife to have the same outlook.

A woman who can enjoy conversing about Islam and has an interest in learning about it, even more so if it is something I know of or is something new to me.
This will be especially key in cultivating a great family environment that is active and aspiring to do better.

Leading on from that, a good relationship with Allah(swt) and the Qu'ran is an immensely desirable characteristic, I want someone active in reading/keeping up their reading and education on The Kitab. A good relationship makes the Qu'ran a better tool for us as Muslims as we'll abide by it more, apply it more and seek refuge in it more to seek the guidance of our lord; Being aware of the hadith books is valuable too as those hadiths of quality direct us to following the Sunnah. Both of these are a guidance from Allah(swt) and are our shields (114:1).

My ideal wife, In sha Allah, is:
Someone looking for a life partner to help them in the dunya;
Someone looking for a friend and a husband;
Someone honest and to the point;
Someone who loves children and would, In sha Allah, like to have their own- So someone nurturing and caring is highly valued.

Communication to me is very important, I'm one who likes specificity and likes to learn about my loved ones to be able to do the best I can for them. Having a common language, not just literally but more emotionally, is key and I don't think a sustainable marriage can occur without this- There needs to be an understanding and ultimately rahma between us.

I want someone who values spending time with their husband, it does not always have to be active (i.e. talking or doing something) as those quiet moments are just as important, and I like to feel reciprocated.

I would love a woman who is level headed and calm, as to have an observant and keen companion for life beside me, someone who is not afraid to speak up as I love to discuss and good conversation skills are a very attractive trait for a woman.
That being said, if you like to shout a lot you'll be better off looking elsewhere, sorry.

Someone conscious of who they are and what they want or someone who is willing to spend time to develop that mindfulness through Allah(swt). This is a mental activeness I think is key in helping get the most from the dunya.

Anyone who would like a cat in the household is on good footing with me already.

Anyone who is clean and who has an enjoyment in the kitchen would be great as those are both things I would love to share the responsibility and joy of performing.

Physical characteristics:
Age up to a certain extent is mostly not a factor, the example of the Prophet(pbuh) and his various wives shows us what truly matters is taqwa and compatibility. Whereas conventional wisdom would lead you to believe the younger women are what most are looking for, and the Prophet(pbuh) advises us to use our youth before we age, but do be mindful that Khadija(ra) was so highly praised by the Prophet(pbuh) (and Jibreel(as) in other narrations) despite her older age in comparison to the Prophet(pbuh) (Sahih Al-Bukari 6004) which makes me not rule out any ages strictly.

The next set of 3 are hot topic issues and my answers for each are the same:
Ethnicity; Height; Weigh.
By the qadr of Allah(swt) we are as we are, there is beauty in all of the creations of Allah(swt) and it is not for us to discount that in any others merely we should be mindful of others preferences.
Furthermore the rahma of Allah(swt) is one his attributes mentioned frequently in the Qu'ran (i.e. 39:53) and it is something that is an apt application here: I wish to apply it to overlook what people see as flaws within themselves and focus on beauty;
There is beauty in all ethnicities, heights and weights…

My preferences in this regard are:
Ethnicity is null, we're all children of Adam(pbuh);
Weight is more of a health concern than anything else;
For height anyone shorter than me, but this by no means is mandatory for me.

General fitness is ideal (having ease with your body) as it opens the doors to doing so many things as a couple, or makes things easier. As I really enjoy my walks and would like a partner to join me, having my wife (In sha Allah) along would be lovely.

No veil on your head, this relationship will likely be dead; Khimar going below the knees, rivers of pure honey from bees….
Dressing modestly is a must: Either a woman who dresses modestly already and intends to don the Islamic dress (Observe the khimar in its various forms); Or a woman who already dresses like this, Allahumma barik.
My preference is definitely a niqabi as it is so pure, and the idea of a wife with one makes me smile, and it has evidence in the Sunnah (One example being Sahih Al-Bukhair 146).

I want someone who does this out of love for Allah(swt), and His commands, and for her husband; Not someone who merely does it due to social pressure (i.e. because they're told to do so by someone).

I personally do not like makeup, but I do understand certain cases where it is valid (i.e. segregated events like a walima).

Someone who is not frigid and feels comfortable in understanding physical boundaries set by others and is clear and open on setting their own.

Feel free to ask any questions and please only message if you're looking for a serious relationship and have the desire to get married.

I know this is long, but I don't want either of us wasting our limited time in the dunya, may Allah(swt) bless your search.

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Personal Information
My Citizenship
Country of Origin
United Kingdom
Willing to Relocate?
I am Looking to Marry
As soon as possible
My Income
25,000 - 50,000
Marital Status
Never married
Would I like to have Children?
Do I have children?
My Living Arrangements?
I Live With Family
United Kingdom
Greater London
My Height
1.73m (5' 8")
My Build
My Hair Colour
Dark brown
Colour of My Eyes
Do I Smoke?
Do I Have Any Disabilities?
Yes - autism
My Education Level
Subject I Studied
[A Level] Computer Science, Fine Art, Product Design
My First Language
My Second Language
My Profession
Government Employee
My Job Title
Government Enforcer
My Sect
Yes Hijab
Are You a Revert?
Do You Keep Halal?
I Always Keep Halal
Do You Perform Salaah?